Sunday, April 14, 2013

a whole new world god only knows

hi again minna~~!!i'mm posting 'bout kami-nomi(the japanese shortened way of saying the world god only knows, i'll be using that from now on.)

I don't wanna let the chance slip away
Why is my freedom taken away?
Reason as against emotion
I've gotta deal with extreme frustration

All my efforts will never be in vain
Endless desire, like a haunting refrain
Such a pain, the ideal versus the real
There is a way To change the world
Just count on me

So what if I sing off-key, who cares
Not good at drawing, no big deal
Let me go for my one true belief

Overcome myself
Overcome yourself

"A Whole New World God Only Knows"
I'll always be on your side
I know you're hurting inside
To be a knight To be a light For you
We'll be shining bright
No more fears No more tears
Everything will work out
That's "God only knows"
Don't get me wrong
This is not real love but
I'll do anything for you
Whatever happens in my life,
turn the page and come of age
Remember, no one can judge me
Every end leads to a new beginning
of the next stage
Try to make my life complete, trust myself
Be strong and do my best
Don't look back, carry on

The ideal, find a way out
The real, find a way out

"A Whole New World God Only Knows"
Here's the thing I've realized
Deep sadness you can't disguise
Keep the goal in sight
So turn the tide For you
We can get over
One more try One more time
Everything has a reason
That's "God only knows"
Don't let me down
This is not real love but
I'll never leave you alone
Whatever happens in your life,
look for the silver lining
You know, some things are meant to be
Even if you feel things are
too much to bear, the sun's shining
Try to find the answer to all our dreams
Believe and do your best
Not too late, start over

Be yourself... Be happy... It's your life...
God only knows
Find your love... Find your way... For your life...

bento art

hi minna~, kyou wa* i'll make a gallery of something you're familiar with, BENTO ART! tough it's not as many of google(of course! what do you want me to be?!  blog nerd?!!) but it's quite cute! so, as always, enjoy! ^_^

Sunday, April 7, 2013

unique foods only in japan

hi, for the third post this week, ill talk about wird and unique foods only in japan,please enjoy and be disgusted! ^_^
these seemed-like-it's-only-half-ready dish is called  oden, it's made of Fish cakes, fried tofu and vegetables simmered in a hot pot. and available in most Japanese convenience stores.

Raw horse meat called Basashi is the traditional food in Tohoku region, Japan. People usually cut horse meat into thin slices and eat.

Bee biscuits include the bees captured directly in the forest. And the interesting thing is that this biscuit is baked and distributed to those who belong to love-bee club.

Japan is famous for its unique ice cream flavors such as fish, octopus, shrimp, horse meat and beef tongue. the color and the flavor is'nt friendly to the eyes and the tongue,so not everyone can eat these.

poisonous fish called Fugu or puffer fish is a normal dish in japan,but except anyone want to kill someone or paralyze someones muscles, only high-level chefs can make these.

insect sushi,is made by a (weird if i can say so myself) Japanese writer(what does a writer has to do with insects and sushi until he combines them into some weird,not-everyone-can-eat dish anyways), Shoichi Uchiyama.

Shiokara seafood is made from various fermented fish and salt. and yes, this is once again a not-eferyone-can-eat dish. 

these two disgusting pictures are what they call natto or nattou, it's a dish made fermented soybeans commonly used for breakfast in japan, again a not-everyone-can-eat dish, but it's popular and many people seemed to liked it, then again i won't bother trying.

these two pictures are the most disgusting dish i've ever seen, called shirako, and its made from reproductive organs of some male's popularity is increasing well in japanese pubs.i won't try it even if i'll be rewarded 100.000.000 yen...(well, add another three zero and i'll think about it...)

this is the second most disgusting food, When you eat these tiny transparent fish called Shirouo, they will jump in the mouth.*vomit*

can be guessed by looking this is a bowl full of be precise, this is a bowl of zazamushi, made from the aquatic insects living in the river bank.
a bowl full of ikura,that's all i can say to it, this rather large, orange-ish eggs, which explode in one's mouth with an impressive amount of highly fishy, salty yolk, seems to be called 'yummy' by many people in japan, me, on the other hand ,says 'yuck' to this food.